

2024 Dates:  1/28, 2/25, 3/3, 3/24, 4/28, 5/26, 6/23, 7/28, 8/25, 9/22, 10/27, 11/24, 12/22
Review the flyers below to confirm the event location and time. 



2024 Dates:  1/22, 2/29 to 3/9, 3/22, 4/22, 5/22, 6/22, 7/22, 8/6, 8/22, 9/22, 10/22, 11/22, 12/22
 Click Here to Sponsor or Support Peace Sundays  


Click on the flyer below to register on Eventbrite for our Uprising Together event at the IMAN Cultural Center.


The event was on 9/22/2024.  The Zoom link is coming soon.






Uprising Together – Inner Alignment Method Part 2 ~ for Part 1, click on the flyer above.








Uprising Together – Marianne Williamson Part 2 ~ for Part 1, click on the flyer above.

Vigil Zoom meeting from 8 AM PST / 11 AM EST for ten days starting February 29th to March 9th, 2024
Prayers for the peace and safety of all people in the Holy Land and worldwide.
Please join the compassionate peacebuilding community Uprising Together to support
the Holy Land, the peacemakers, each other, ourselves, and the world.
Peace ~ Salam ~ Shalom




In honor of Peace Sunday’s 40th Anniversary, the United Nations’ 77th Anniversary, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council’s 57th Anniversary, and One Global Family Alliances’ 21st Anniversary, a Call To Action was put forth on January 1st, 2022 for us to:


We are encouraging YOU, our Global Family, to hold peacebuilding events in your local areas and/or online… empowering us to collectively create a more just, equitable, respectful, and sustainable world with a more peaceful future for all.

Join us throughout 2022 and beyond as we embark together in ONENESS with Creator on this:

a grassroots movement of the Rainbow Alliances

We will address the most critical issues of our time and also highlight Unity and Peace (UP) events happening worldwide.

Our main areas of focus are:
Spiritualization, Honoring and Protecting The Sacred, Earth Stewardship, Denuclearization,  Demilitarization, and Decolonization

For more information and to register your peace events, click here:  PeaceSundays.org/Register





2023 Dates:  1/7, 2/5, 3/26, 5/14, 7/30 at IMAN, 8/15 & 8/16 at PWR, 9/22, 10/22, 11/26, 12/21













UPRISING TOGETHER YouTube Videos ~ to see Larry Kopald, click on flyer above.

How Can We Solve The Problem When We Are The Problem?

Why our strategy to stop climate change is doomed, and what we must do now to avoid the same fate.

Featured Speaker:  Larry Kopald is not a Futurist. He is an Immediest. He has shifted from being an Optimist to being a Possiblest and feels the shift both liberating and powerful as it has led to greater focus on how humanity can best use what may be our last chance to heal the planet.  Larry brings a unique blend of experience to the discussion, having helped create some of the world’s biggest brands and companies while also serving on the boards of some of the world’s biggest environmental organizations. Currently, he runs The Carbon Underground, serves on the boards of Climate Resolve, Eat Just, the World Economic Forum’s Carbon and Technology Committee, and is a Senior Fellow at USC’s Marshall School of Business focusing on Social Entrepreneurship.

New AVA Music Released On Friday 5/26/2023



Click Here to Support OneHumanity.Institute/TeddyBears Fundraising Campaign

(Click here to visit the PEACE SUNDAYS 2022 webpage)

One Global Family’s CALL TO ACTION Broadcast Series

SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution

“MAKE EVERY DAY A PEACE SUNDAY” is One Global Family Alliances’ CALL TO ACTION beginning January 2022.
We encourage our global family to hold peace-building events in local areas and/or online, empowering us
to collectively create a more just, equitable, respectful, and sustainable world with a more peaceful future for all.


Join us in supporting these inspiring programs offered by UDWC, One Global Family Alliances, and our UP Alliance Partners.


June 3, 4 & 5, 2022 onsite for the Peace Resolution Weekend in Nauvoo, Illinois
We will also honor WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY on June 5, 2022.

Registration Closed for Peace Resolution Weekend 2022:  Onsite in Nauvoo, IL

(Click here to visit the PEACE SUNDAYS 2021 webpage) 

One Global Family’s CALL TO ACTION Broadcast Series

SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution 

“MAKE EVERY SUNDAY PEACE SUNDAYS” is One Global Family Alliances’ CALL TO ACTION beginning January 2021.
We encourage our global family to hold peacebuilding events in local areas and/or online, empowering us
to collectively create a more just, equitable, respectful, and sustainable world with a more peaceful future for all.


Join us in supporting these inspiring programs offered by UDWC, One Global Family Alliances, and our UP Alliance Partners.

Click on these links to visit our Facebook groups: Grandmothers Circle the Earth and Wind Voices 2021

(Click here to visit the PEACE SUNDAY 2020:  We Carry The Dream  webpage)

Watch the Full Webumentary or select any of the “Chapter” segments in the carousel below: 

PEACE SUNDAY 2020: We Carry The Dream is a free streaming webumentary, a spiritual call to action empowering us to create a peaceful, equitable, and sustainable future for all. This year’s production connects the inspirational message of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s historic ‘I Have A Dream’ speech, one of the great articulations of American democracy, with the current issues of today including the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement for racial justice, Covid-19 Pandemic, the economic collapse, the climate change crisis, the rise of women, and the recognition of indigenous peoples and their rights, all taking place in an election year of great consequence.

The Global Webumentary Premier was released on December 13th, 2020 accessible on our websites:  PeaceSundays.org and links on UDCworld.org, as well as on ‘Peace Sundays’ YouTube channel and Facebook page. It features curated archival content from MLK’s speech, exclusive videos produced by the Jerusalem Prayer Project and Videocratic Media from Israel, Palestine, Charlottesville, and the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, as well as videos from other sources relating to the Standing Rock Pipeline, and the decommissioned, yet extremely dangerous San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in Southern California.

Prominent featured voices include:  Vice President Al Gore, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Congresswoman Karen Bass, Rev. James Lawson, Rev. William Barber, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Rabbi Sharon Brous, Dr. Melina Abdulah of BLM Los Angeles, Native American Elders — Clan Mother Alda Glover, Chief Daniel Ramos, Grandmother Adelia Sandoval, and an exclusive, never before seen interview with Lakota-Sioux Nation Elder, AIM Activist, Actor and Musician, the late Floyd Red Crow Westerman. This unique webumentary showcases JPP’s and Videocratic’s impressive archive of social justice content, together with rich musical elements produced by Stephen Fiske, and other artists.

(Click here to visit the PEACE SUNDAY EVENTS 2019 thru 2012 webpage)

The Significance of Peace Sunday

By David J. Harris

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on the 21st of September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. 

The United Nations Member States adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 because they understood that it would not be possible to build a peaceful world if steps were not taken to achieve economic and social development for all people everywhere, and ensure that their rights were protected. 

The Sustainable Goals cover a broad range of issues, including poverty, hunger, health, education, climate change, gender equality, water, sanitation, energy, environment, and social justice.  Sustainable Development Goal 16 “Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions” calls for promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. 

A peaceful society is one where there are justice and equality for everyone. Peace will enable a sustainable environment to take shape and a sustainable environment will help promote peace.   

The theme for the International Day of Peace in 2018 was “The Right to Peace – The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70”

The theme celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Seven is the most spiritual number and it represents magic and the perfection of completion in both physical and spiritual things. We have Completion.

Our demise is that few are aware that we have moved from the Age of Communication and Consciousness to the Age of Wisdom and Kindness.

Our United Nations, with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, our highest spiritual law that is the functional bottom line of our Religions – is about caring for each other.  Also, this is Our Highest Moral and Legal Law.

Celebrate with us annually on:
September 21st Founding of our United Nations International Day of Peace
October 24th Founding of o
ur United Nations
December 10th Founding of our Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Now we promote awareness to choose Available Sustainable Prosperity For All Over Pending “catastrophe beyond conception.”  ~ Albert Einstein

We Believe in Sacred Activism

Sacred Activism is reaching within ourselves to our deepest connectivity to spirit, and actualizing that spirit into reality through service to humanity and the planet. Sacred Activism has always found its expression through a grassroots movement of the people, enrolled in a significant consciousness shift, which has created a new paradigm. It begins with the advent of a new idea, a social need to have that idea be fulfilled, and the timing and historic circumstance to propel it into a transformative reality.

Sacred Activism begins within ourselves, is based in non-violence, and extends through service that entails activism. Activism calls us to use our voice and propel that voice into social action.  If we just stand by without speaking out, without participating actively in a cause we believe in, we can become complicit in the perpetration of the unconscionable.  In activism, we bear witness to what is going on, observe and expose where there is blindness, a denial, an injustice, inequity, or crime has occurred, and organize, mobilize and engage in recognizing the dilemma, bringing accountability, offering non-violent alternatives, and in creating a sustainable solution.

The activism must get in the way to disrupt the perceived injustice and corruption, and devise a strategy on how to raise public awareness in identifying the change that’s needed, and present viable ways to impact policy.  No one individual can tackle all the issues of the world, but we know we are not alone.  In these times, the voices of progressive, sacred activism have never been more needed in the call to use our voice, our vote, our organizing, our petitioning, our protest, our non-violent civil disobedience, our marching, and our sacred activism to serve the calling of our conscience.

Thank you for joining us in this PEACE REVOLUTION 4 SACRED EVOLUTION (PR4SE),
a grassroots movement of the Rainbow Alliances.