International Councils, Circles & Congress of Women-Youth

Join us in supporting the inspiring events and programs offered by our Global Alliance Partners.

(Click on each flyer to access the registration page/website for the event)










The Zoom link will be sent after the registration


Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.




Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.






Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.



.The event below will be in person at the David Brower Center in Berkeley, CA. February 1, 2024!



Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.


Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.



Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.




Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.


Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.


Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.



Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.



Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.


Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.



Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.

Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.


Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.


Thursday, February 2nd, 2023 Pua Case


Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.



Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below..




Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.



Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.





Click Here for the Green Tent Circle page for the Illuminator Series below.




The General Congress of Women; Women and Health June 21st, 2021

This special call was intended to allow each woman to decide what healing they needed as we are all experts in the field of our own healing needs.
Click on Video Event below to view the Congress of Women June 2021











On this International Women’s Day, FemmeQ invites you to join us in an exploration of feminine intelligence and
its transformational power. We will distinguish feminine intelligence, that which lies within all genders,
and discover how it is awakening, emerging, and being applied to shape a flourishing future.

MARCH 8TH, 2022
3pm UK | 4pm CEST | 9am CST | 7am PST
Duration: 90minutes
Zoom link will be sent following registration
Click on the image above for more information and how to register
















Join us on March 21st, at 9 AM PST for our General Congress of Women call as we address Women And The Environment with Author, International Speaker and Jungian Analyst Jean Shinoda Bolen, Earth-loving social entrepreneur and inspirational speaker, TreeSister’s Clare DuBois, and Grandmother Robin Young, Founder of Church of The Earth. These women know better than anyone the power of working in circle and Sisterhood on behalf of our precious planet Earth. All are passionate experts in their fields and we are so grateful to add them to our 2021 series. More about The General Congress of Women and Free Registration: HERE

Call to Action


United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) facilitates a platform for the voices and leadership of women’s rights organizations globally that lobby for their inclusion in the UN. The CSW65 theme: Women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life, as well as the elimination of violence, for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.

Join us on March 18th at 8 AM PST for The General Congress of Women’s interactive workshop focused on helping women leaders host a local or regional Congress using the framework of the interdependence of the UN Beijing 12 Critical Areas of Concern for Women. Our intention is to grow the collective power of grassroots women through collaboration and action that is restorative and regenerative. More about The General Congress of Women and Free Registration HERE:

Call to Action

Join us for a panel of highly successful women in their respective fields. This panel will be eye-opening and celebrates women all over the world;
recognizing the significant contribution towards change women make in an ever-changing world.
All are welcome on March 8th, at 11 AM PST. Free Registration: HERE

Call to Action

S.A.R.A.H. (Sande) and One Global Family & Unity and Diversity World Council (LauraSa) are blessed to participate in this international
Sacred Ceremony of Women and Water. The women of the United Religions Initiative are from 8 regions of the world.
All are welcome on March 8th, at 7 AM PST. Free Registration: HERE


Call to Action



Click on these links to visit our Facebook groups: Grandmothers Circle the Earth and Wind Voices 2021

Wisdom Spirit

Call  To  Action