Jim Petruzzi began his career as a teacher and entrepreneur. He has taught his entire life, but his many businesses he left when he approached forty. Jim has been a speaker and author for the past 35 years and he has taught self-improvement and personal and organizational positive evolvement programs. He is now focused on sharing his knowledge of systemic living and creating; especially helping people summon their latent speaking and writing skills. He is also sharing the wisdom imparted to him from many teachers, which help people create sustainable abundance in their lives.
Jim acquired some of his knowledge of systemic living from nature, indigenous elders, and through University degrees. He has spent the last 35 years working in and with nature as he traveled the world learning from elders. His primary indigenous teachers were Lakota and Mayan, but he has also lived with Australian aborigines, African Garifuna, and Celtic teachers. Jim is Romany Gypsy by birth, his blood Italian and gypsy. His grandmother taught him visionary skills before her leaving. He is also a member of the United Western Lenape tribe as well – due to his Native American blood. A true ‘mongrel’, he loves to create programs and transformational systems for people by pulling from the cornucopia of cultural teachings he has acquired. Jim has been taught ceremonies by his relatives and by elders of other cultures, which he shares when asked to do so. His shamanic work runs deep since his Romany ancestors are from one of the two places on the globe this work originated.
Jim coined the phrase “energetic alchemy” to define how he creates the training and programs people have been asking him for. He takes the ‘iron’ nuggets of knowledge he has acquired, adds his own understandings, mixes them together magically, and ….. often – gold emerges… thanks to his teachers and ancestors. When asked about the knowledge he has harvested from the many things he has immersed himself in, Jim likes to acknowledge all the mistakes he has made along the way and what a wonderful teaching resource these all are.
For the past 15 years, he has been running non-profits and travels when he is able – sharing indigenous and nature-based teachings. His degrees are in education and his masters are in natural resource management and environmental interpretation. His two books, White Man, Red Road, Five Colors (International Award Finalist), and Walking With the Earth Mother have been tools to help his teaching, sharing indigenous teachings along his journey and thoughts for rebirthing the inner and outer worlds of people in a good way.
White Otter Academy is something Jim planned on manifesting for some time. Now, he is clear that the time for it is prophetically correct. The Academy will offer many materials and platforms to the users and members at no charge in the various areas of Jim’s expertise. He will also bring in others to offer material they know better than he. Teaching people how to systemically access all their resources within and without is what he shines at. For those wishing to dramatically alter and enhance their skills, Jim will offer in-depth fee-paid courses that will help them summon the changes they seek. One-third of any fees acquired will go into non-profits working to help create a safer, healthier, more sustainable world. Jim says, “I should know something about systemic creation and ‘working from the heart and gut…’ I have been learning, failing, relearning, and succeeding at it over three-plus decades.” He invites you to take the White Otter Academy journey with him, have some fun, learn and teach and grow.

White Otter Academy: “Wisdom from the past magically stirred with knowledge from the present as a catalyst to transform your future.” ~ Jim
White Otter Academy: https://white-otter-