PEACE SUNDAY 2020: We Carry The Dream
Full webumentary: We Carry The Dream (full) – then split into separate segments in the carousel to the left/right
Peace Sunday 2020: Welcome & Introduction
Peace Sunday 2020 Chapter 1: Indigenous Prayer Blessing & Hummingbird Drum Circle
Peace Sunday 2020 Chapter 2: We Carry the Dream (Music Video)
Peace Sunday 2020 Chapter 3: Peace Sunday History - Interfaith Peacemakers
Peace Sunday 2020 Chapter 4: Environmental Protectors - Standing Rock - Atlantic Coast Pipeline
Peace Sunday 2020 Chapter 5: Sacred Activism - San Onofre
Peace Sunday 2020 Chapter 6: Floyd Red Crow Westerman
Peace Sunday 2020 Chapter 7: Defeating Pandemics
Peace Sunday 2020 Chapter 8: Social Justice, Islamophobia & Anti-Semitism
Peace Sunday 2020 Chapter 9: Charlottesville Reflection
Peace Sunday 2020 Chapter 11: Living With Intention - Interracial Harmony
Peace Sunday 2020 Chapter 12: Women Rising for Global Peace
Peace Sunday 2020 Chapter 13: Atonement and Forgiveness
Peace Sunday 2020 Chapter 14: Call to Action
PEACE SUNDAY 2020: We Carry The Dream is a free streaming webumentary, a spiritual call to action empowering us to create a peaceful, equitable, and sustainable future for all. This year’s production connects the inspirational message of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s historic ‘I Have A Dream’ speech, one of the great articulations of American democracy, with the current issues of today including the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement for racial justice, Covid-19 Pandemic, the economic collapse, the climate change crisis, the rise of women, and the recognition of indigenous peoples and their rights, all taking place in an election year of great consequence.
The Global Webumentary Premier was released on December 13th, 2020 accessible on our websites: and links on, as well as on ‘Peace Sundays’ YouTube channel and Facebook page. It features curated archival content from MLK’s speech, exclusive videos produced by the Jerusalem Prayer Project and Videocratic Media from Israel, Palestine, Charlottesville, and the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, as well as videos from other sources relating to the Standing Rock Pipeline, and the decommissioned, yet extremely dangerous San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in Southern California.
Prominent featured voices include: Vice President Al Gore, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Congresswoman Karen Bass, Rev. James Lawson, Rev. William Barber, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Rabbi Sharon Brous, Dr. Melina Abdulah of BLM Los Angeles, Native American Elders — Clan Mother Alda Glover, Chief Daniel Ramos, Grandmother Adelia Sandoval, and an exclusive, never before seen interview with Lakota-Sioux Nation Elder, AIM Activist, Actor and Musician, the late Floyd Red Crow Westerman. This unique webumentary showcases JPP’s and Videocratic’s impressive archive of social justice content, together with rich musical elements produced by Stephen Fiske, and other artists.
Peace Sunday has traditionally been held annually on the Sunday closest to the United Nations International Day of Peace, September 21st. Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, this year’s Peace Sunday is a streaming webumentary, produced by the Jerusalem Prayer Project (JPP), Executive Producers Stephen Longfellow Fiske and Robert Corsini, along with Producer LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava, the CEO and Chair of Unity and Diversity World Council (UDWC2.0), Peace Sundays (PS2.0), and One Global Family Foundation & Alliances (OGFF&A), in collaboration with the Peace Sunday Committee.
Peace Sunday 2020 Sponsors: Unity and Diversity World Council (UDWC2.0), One Global Family Foundation & Alliances (OGFF&A), the Jerusalem Prayer Project (JPP), and Videocratic Media (VM)
Co-Sponsors: Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace (ICUJP), IMAN Foundation & Cultural Center (Dr. Sadegh Namazikhah), The Mandala Society (David J. Harris), IONS-LA (Dr. Tahdi Blackstone), Councils of Interfaith & Indigenous Women-Youth, AVA Consulting & Management, Center for Conscious Change, Brinsley IT Guru, Dr. Thomas Hedberg in remembrance of Betsy Caprio Hedberg, Dr. Linda Groff, Book: Sustainable Peace Building in a Rapidly Changing World: Holistic, Evolving Aspects of Peace, Nonviolence, and Community Engagement (2020).
In honor of the United Nations 75th Anniversary, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council’s 55th Anniversary, and One Global Family’s 19th Anniversary, we are hereby putting forth a Call To Action for us ALL to:
beginning January 2021.
We are encouraging our global family to hold peace-building events in your local areas and/or online… empowering us to collectively create a more just, equitable, respectful, and sustainable world with a more peaceful future for all.
Join us weekly throughout 2021 and beyond… We will be producing a broadcast series called “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” These broadcasts will address the most critical issues of our time and also highlight registered peace events happening worldwide.
The third Sunday will feature a specific story from the “We Carry The Dream” webumentary film.
And the main areas of focus for other Sundays are: Denuclearization, Demilitarization, Decolonization, Spiritualization, Honoring and Protecting The Sacred, and Environmental Stewardship.
For more information and to register your peace events, click here:
Love everybody all the time.
We Believe in Sacred Activism
Sacred Activism is reaching within ourselves to our deepest connectivity to spirit, and actualizing that spirit into reality through service to humanity and the planet. Sacred Activism has always found its expression through a grassroots movement of the people, enrolled in a significant consciousness shift, which has created a new paradigm. It begins with the advent of a new idea, a social need to have that idea be fulfilled, and the timing and historic circumstance to propel it into a transformative reality.
Sacred Activism begins within ourselves, is based in non-violence, and extends through service that entails activism. Activism calls us to use our voice and propel that voice into social action. If we just stand by without speaking out, without participating actively in a cause we believe in, we can become complicit in the perpetration of the unconscionable. In activism, we bear witness to what is going on, observe and expose where there is blindness, a denial, an injustice, inequity, or crime has occurred, and organize, mobilize and engage in recognizing the dilemma, bringing accountability, offering non-violent alternatives, and in creating a sustainable solution.
The activism must get in the way to disrupt the perceived injustice and corruption, and devise a strategy on how to raise public awareness in identifying the change that’s needed, and present viable ways to impact policy. No one individual can tackle all the issues of the world, but we know we are not alone. In these times, the voices of progressive, sacred activism have never been more needed in the call to use our voice, our vote, our organizing, our petitioning, our protest, our non-violent civil disobedience, our marching, and our sacred activism to serve the calling of our conscience.
Peace Sundays
Peace Sunday 2020 Committee Co-Chairs:
LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava, CEO & Chair of Unity and Diversity World Council (UDWC), One Global Family Foundation & Alliances (OGFF&A), and International Councils & Congress of Women-Youth
Stephen Longfellow Fiske, PS2020 Executive Producer, Founder & Executive Director of The Jerusalem Prayer Project (JPP), and Stephen Fiske Music
Peace Sundays 2020 Producers & Co-Producers:
Robert Corsini, Patrick Horn, Clan Mother Alda Glover, Chief Daniel Ramos, and Charles Langley
Peace Sundays 2020 Associate Producers:
Michael Brinsley, Finau Fusi, Adrienne Prince, Barbara Garibay, Delaram Danesh, Susan Shankin, and Simran Kaur Khalsa