Call To Action
One Global Family’s CALL TO ACTION Broadcast Series
SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution
“MAKE EVERY SUNDAY PEACE SUNDAYS” is One Global Family Alliances’ CALL TO ACTION beginning January 2021. We encourage our global family to hold peace-building events in local areas and/or online, empowering us to collectively create a more peaceful, equitable, and sustainable world with a brighter future for all.
Join us weekly throughout 2021, as we present our broadcast series called “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution”. These broadcasts address the most critical issues of our time and also highlight registered peace events happening worldwide. The third Sundays of each month feature a specific chapter from the “PEACE SUNDAY 2020: We Carry The Dream” webumentary. The main areas of focus for other Sundays are: Spiritualization, Denuclearization, Decolonization, Honoring and Protecting The Sacred, and Environmental Stewardship.
Thank you, and let’s share this sacred experience together. Love, peace, and blessings to all.

Jim Graywolf Petruzzi began his career as a teacher and entrepreneur. He has taught his entire life, but his many businesses he left when he approached forty. Jim has been a speaker and author for the past 35 years and he has taught self-improvement and personal and organizational positive evolvement programs. He is now focused on sharing his knowledge of systemic living and creating; especially helping people summon their latent speaking and writing skills. He is also sharing the wisdom imparted to him from many teachers, which help people create sustainable abundance in their lives. Jim acquired some of his knowledge of systemic living from nature, indigenous elders, and through University degrees. He has spent the last 35 years working in and with nature as he traveled the world learning from elders. His primary indigenous teachers were Lakota and Mayan, but he has also lived with Australian aborigines, African Garifuna, and Celtic teachers. Jim is Romany Gypsy by birth, his blood Italian and gypsy. His grandmother taught him visionary skills before her leaving. He is also a member of the United Western Lenape tribe as well – due to his Native American blood. A true ‘mongrel’, … — Read More —
Jeevakan “Jeeva” Abbate– Jeeva met Sri Swami Satchidananda in 1970 in San Francisco, CA. Jeeva became an Integral Yoga Hatha teacher in 1971, and taught in the California prison system, including Soledad & Tracey prisons (1972 – 1976). – Jeeva served at the Berkeley, CA IYI, Santa Cruz, CA IYI, Satchidananda Ashram – Seigler Springs, CA, and Satchidananda Ashram – Santa Barbara, CA, from 1971 to 1981. Jeeva and his wife Priya moved to Satchidananda Ashram here in Buckingham, VA in 2012. – Jeeva is currently serving on the Satchidananda Ashram – Yogaville Board of Trustees, as Coordinator of the Yogaville Fundraising Committee, and as Director, Yogaville Environmental Solutions (YES). YES is focused on community sustainable practices, including protecting the environment, effective recycling, developing clean solar power (2 large solar arrays installed), and energy efficiency in our community. Jeeva is on the Steering Committee of the Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance (ABRA), a coalition of over 50 organizations in Virginia and West Virginia that was formed in 2014 to oppose the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP). This Coalition was instrumental in bringing together small community organizations, tribal communities, African-American communities, … — Read More —
Clan Mother Alda Glover is a Producer of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” She is also a Board Member for both One Global Family Foundation & Alliances, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council. Born in Newton MA, USA, Alda C. Glover’s ancestry is African of nations unknown, and Passamaquoddy and Mashpee in the northeast of North America. After a 16-year career as a technical writer, Alda left the corporate world to study traditional Asian healing arts and experienced Qi as a physical awareness rather than just a concept. As the healing arts and philosophies began unfolding, Alda was introduced to Native American traditions and the profound experiences born of participating in ancient ceremonies. Awareness of purpose evolved, and the interconnection of all things became clear: We are all meant to attune and harmonize with creation as individuals, each with our own purpose. Becoming a Shiatsu-Anma therapist and instructor was a way to introduce others to these experiences. To help others achieve physical, energetic, and emotional balance … — Read More —
Chief Daniel Ramos is a Producer of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” He is also a Board Member for both One Global Family Foundation & Alliances, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council. Marcario Daniel ‘Cuauhltli Atoatzin’ (Eagle that Speaks) Ramos, is the Chief Spiritual Elder of the Choctaw Muskogee Yamassee Nation. He is Grandfather Uncle of the prophecy of “Warriors of the Rainbow” Tribe of the 4 Directions and 4 Sacred Elements of Life. Ramos was born and raised in foster care in East Los Angeles, and later adopted by the same beautiful family he was placed with. He attended public schools and received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from U.C.L.A. in 1975. Ramos is a Social Worker by trade with over 40 years of experience in various fields and served almost 20 of those years as a public servant with Los Angeles County Department of Probation, Department of Children and Family Services, and the State of California Department of Corrections, Parole Division, respectively as Deputy Probation Officer, Children’s Social Worker and Supervisor … — Read More —
Call to Action
Kahstoserakwathe Paulette Moore is an independent filmmaker, lecturer, artist, and educator. Moore is Kanien’kehàka (Mohawk) and an enrolled member of Six Nations of the Grand River territory where she is based. Moore is a founding member of The Aunties Dandelion: a relationship-centered collective formed with Karennaonwe Karen Hill. The Aunties Dandelion vision is to create an expansive human community. The Aunties Dandelion is a media/research center and a healing space – informed by traditional Onkwehon: we teachings with story sharing and healing narratives at the core. Key projects include The Aunties Dandelion podcast and our first collaborative film – now in production – called VeRONAka. This 10-minute film is a fictionalized version of the true story that our clan mothers gave Covid 19 a Mohawk name – so that we are able to respect the illness, understand why it is here, and then invite it to leave. Moore recently completed a series of films with Free Speech TV about the 2016/17 Standing Rock … — Read More —
Vice President Albert Arnold Gore Jr. an American environmentalist, politician, and was an elected official for 24 years, serving as the 45th vice president of the United States for two terms under the Clinton administration. He was the subject of the Academy Award-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth in 2006, and in 2007, Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, along with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, for “informing the world of the dangers posed by climate change.” Other awards include a Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album for his book An Inconvenient Truth, a Prime-time Emmy Award for Current TV, and a Webby Award. Gore negotiated and strongly supported the Kyoto Protocol … — Read More —
Dr. Reverend William Barber II is an American Protestant minister and political activist, who was elected president of the local NAACP youth council at the age of 15 and 17 became student body president of his high school. He enrolled at North Carolina Central University, became student government president at age 19, received his BA in political science from NCCU, cum laude; a Master of Divinity degree from Duke University; and a doctorate from Drew University with a concentration in public policy and pastoral care. He has been the pastor of the Greenleaf Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Goldsboro, NC since 1993. Barber served as president of the NAACP’s North Carolina state chapter, the largest in the Southern United States and the second-largest in the country until 2017, to lead “a new ‘Poor People’s Campaign’”, named Poor People’s Campaign: … — Read More —
LaDonna Tamakawastewin (Good Earth Woman) Brave Bull Allard (June 8, 1956 – April 10, 2021) a Native American Dakota and Lakota historian, genealogist, and matriarch of the water protector movement at Standing Rock. In April 2016, she was one of the founders of the resistance camps of the Dakota Access Pipeline protests, aimed at halting the Dakota Access Pipeline near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota. LaDonna Brave Bull Allard was born on June 8, 1956, to Valerie Lovejoy and Frank Brave Bull. Her people are Iháŋkthuŋwaŋ, Pabaska (Cuthead), and Sisseton Dakota on her father’s side and Hunkpapa, Lakota Blackfoot, and Oglala Lakota on her mother’s side. She is a descendent of Chief Rain-in-the-face who fought Custer at the Battle of Greasy Grass. She is also the great-great-granddaughter of Nape Hote Win (Mary Big Moccasin), a survivor of the Whitestone Massacre. She is an enrolled member and former Tribal Historic Preservation Officer of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. … — Read More —
Donna Chavis has over 40 years of service in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors on the local, state, and national level and currently serves as Senior Fossil Fuels Campaigner with Friends of the Earth U.S. She is a recognized leader in social and environmental justice change and practice. Donna was a member of the Planning Committee of the First National People of Color Leadership Summit in 1991 which developed the Principles of Environmental Justice. She remains committed to those principles and has specifically integrated them in her work over the past 4 years in opposition to the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline. When she is not working for environmental and social justice Donna enjoys music, poetry, and time outside with her friends and family. She is a member of the Lumbee tribe of North Carolina and resides in the ancestral home of Pembroke, NC.
Peace Sundays
Holy Land, Living Water ~ World Unity Week
Peace Sundays
Hereditary Chief Phil Lane, Jr. is an enrolled member of the Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations and is an internationally recognized leader in human, community, and economic development. He was born at the Haskell Indian School in Lawrence, Kansas in 1944, where his mother and father met and attended school. During the past 48 years, Chief Lane has worked with Indigenous Peoples from North, Central, and South America, Micronesia, South East Asia, India, Hawaii, and Africa. He served 16 years as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada (1980-1996). … –See More–
Aunty Pookie Lee a beautiful soul flower is what comes to mind when you hear or meet the inspiring Pooki Lee. She is of Hawaiian descent and respectfully carries her roots truly bringing the spirit of Aloha wherever she goes. Pooki Lee was chosen as the Vision Keeper for Unity Earth in 2020 after returning from the sacred trip to the Holy Land with Global leaders from around the world. It was unanimous that Pooki Lee be appointed the second person only into this position. An honor in which she holds sacred to her mission and vision for the Earth. Pooki’s prayers and ceremonies are deeply felt as she holds the vision for peace love and unity for all of mankind and beings everywhere. –See More–
Ben Bowler is the Executive Director of UNITY EARTH, a global network building a worldwide movement for unity and peace. He is also the Co-Convener of World Unity Week: June 19th – 26th. A 8-day celebration of our global unity and will spotlight topics such as: collective climate action, partnerships for peace, global governance, interfaith harmony, sustainable and regenerative development, the role of business and economics, human rights, disarmament and other key elements of a new kind of future we are co-creating together. Ben is a unity-activist and spiritual entrepreneur. In 2006 Ben and his wife Jildou moved from Australia to Thailand in response to an opportunity to volunteer along the Thai-Burma border. Together in 2008 they founded Blood Foundation, a micro NGO focusing on Burma issues, interfaith projects and education programs for migrant workers. –See More–
LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is the Executive Producer & Director of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” LauraSa served as the Chair and Producer for Peace Sunday 2020, and Co-Chair for past Peace Sunday events. She is also the Chair on the Board of Directors, President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Unity and Diversity World Council (UDWC 2.0.) She is the Founder & CEO for two of UDWC’s Affiliate DBA’s known as One Global Family Foundation & Alliances (OGFF&A), and the international Councils of Interfaith & Indigenous Women-Youth (CIIWY). She is a Committee Advisor for the Unity and Diversity Interfaith Ministry (UDIM). BIOGRAPHY: LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is a Pacific American businesswoman, philanthropist, global peace activist, community organizer, producer, and motivational speaker. She was born in the village of Pava’ia’i, Pacific Island of Tutuila, American Samoa … — Read More —
Patrick Horn is a Co-Producer for the 4th Sundays of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” He is also an Advisory Board Member for One Global Family Foundation & Alliances and serves on the Committee for Environmental Stewardship of Unity and Diversity World Council. Patrick is an alumni fellow of the USC Institute for Digital Civic Culture and Manager of the World-Teacher Project (aka “Network for Religion, Media, and Civic Life”), an educational and diplomatic mission allied with a vast coalition working through the Internet with maximum creativity and flexibility for environmental stewardship, justice, and peace. He was elected by nomination to the Religion Communicators Council Board of Governors and serves as Chapter President of the RCC Pacific Coast Interfaith Communicators. … — Read More —
Love Number One
Women Rising for Global Peace
Peace Sundays
Saskia Keeley is a French native and longtime New Yorker, activist, artist and photographer. Saskia leads “Accompagnateur Workshops,” photography-based workshops to bridge divides and foster healing. They were co-created with a rabbi in the West Bank to facilitate dialogue between Palestinian and Israeli women. Through the simple yet profound acts of looking and listening, participants unpack decades of fear and bias. The Accompagnateur Workshops guide and teach participants to see members of different cultures and communities with clarity and compassion. With the camera and in conversation, the workshops help shift the lens through which participants see themselves, empowering them to advance on their own terms.
Saskia Keeley artist/photographer has presented her work at universities including Yale, Duke, Tufts, UCLA, Washington University, and New York University’s Center for Global Affairs. Her work has been exhibited at the Museum of Tolerance, Los Angeles, Geneva’s Centre des Arts, UCLA, and Congregation B’nai Jeshurun in New York City. She was awarded an Art Award from the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program (honoring artists who through their creative expressions contribute to the work of conflict resolution and peacemaking), and has been published in Newsday, the Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, UCLA’s Daily Bruin, Jewish Standard, and Women Across Frontiers.
Eisha Mason is a spiritual practitioner, activist, teacher, and a published author. Founder of Soulwork of Social Change and Community Healing Forum. Former Associate West Regional Director for American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker-based social justice organization. A Former KPFK (90.7FM) radio host for The Morning Review and The Way Forward. Master practitioner at Agape International Spiritual Center and Instructor, Agape University. Current focus: Black Community Healing Forum of Los Angeles. Ms. Mason has played a critical role in organizing and advocating for progressive causes for nearly thirty years and is highly regarded in social, political, and spiritual circles.
Samira Abrar is a graduate of American University in Kabul, Afghanistan, and the University of California Irvine School of Law. Samira has worked for USAID-funded rule of law projects and the MEC Anti-Corruption Committee in Afghanistan for several years, supporting Afghan court systems. Samira also has worked with CODEPINK: Women for Peace as a social media campaign manager and now works on CODEPINK’s Divest from the War Machine campaign team.
Clan Mother Alda Glover is a Producer of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” She is also a Board Member for both One Global Family Foundation & Alliances, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council. Born in Newton MA, USA, Alda C. Glover’s ancestry is African of nations unknown, and Passamaquoddy and Mashpee in the northeast of North America. After a 16-year career as a technical writer, Alda left the corporate world to study traditional Asian healing arts and experienced Qi as a physical awareness rather than just a concept. As the healing arts and philosophies began unfolding, Alda was introduced to Native American traditions and the profound experiences born of participating in ancient ceremonies. Awareness of purpose evolved, and the interconnection of all things became clear: We are all meant to attune and harmonize with creation as individuals, each with our own purpose. Becoming a Shiatsu-Anma therapist and instructor was a way to introduce others to these experiences. To help others achieve physical, energetic, and emotional balance … — Read More —
Call to Action
Chief Daniel Ramos is a Producer of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” He is also a Board Member for both One Global Family Foundation & Alliances, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council. Marcario Daniel ‘Cuauhltli Atoatzin’ (Eagle that Speaks) Ramos, is the Chief Spiritual Elder of the Choctaw Muskogee Yamassee Nation. He is Grandfather Uncle of the prophecy of “Warriors of the Rainbow” Tribe of the 4 Directions and 4 Sacred Elements of Life. Ramos was born and raised in foster care in East Los Angeles, and later adopted by the same beautiful family he was placed with. He attended public schools and received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from U.C.L.A. in 1975. Ramos is a Social Worker by trade with over 40 years of experience in various fields and served almost 20 of those years as a public servant with Los Angeles County Department of Probation, Department of Children and Family Services, and the State of California Department of Corrections, Parole Division, respectively as Deputy Probation Officer, Children’s Social Worker and Supervisor … — Read More —
LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is the Executive Producer & Director of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” LauraSa served as the Chair and Producer for Peace Sunday 2020, and Co-Chair for past Peace Sunday events. She is also the Chair on the Board of Directors, President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Unity and Diversity World Council (UDWC 2.0.) She is the Founder & CEO for two of UDWC’s Affiliate DBA’s known as One Global Family Foundation & Alliances (OGFF&A), and the international Councils of Interfaith & Indigenous Women-Youth (CIIWY). She is a Committee Advisor for the Unity and Diversity Interfaith Ministry (UDIM). BIOGRAPHY: LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is a Pacific American businesswoman, philanthropist, global peace activist, community organizer, producer, and motivational speaker. She was born in the village of Pava’ia’i, Pacific Island of Tutuila, American Samoa … — Read More —
Rev. Stephen Longfellow Fiske serves as the Co-Chair and Executive Producer for Peace Sunday 2020. Stephen is the founder and executive director/producer of The Jerusalem Prayer Project (JPP), and the owner of Stephen L. Fiske Music. He is also a musician, author, poet, Interfaith Minister, long-time peace and environmental activist, and past executive director of the Unity and Diversity World Council. He is a multi-talented individual whose dedication to peace, humanitarian, environmental and spiritual concerns has always found expression through his artistic pursuits. Since his first album release, Seeds of Peace, in 1980, through his current CD (11th) Flow, Stephen has established himself as an inspired performer and veteran poet/spokesman of the times. He has authored “The Art of Peace” (New Paradigm Books) and “The Call to Interfaith”, and has performed and spoken widely across the US and abroad. Stephen has won numerous awards including The International Peace Music Award in 1994 and has had his songs recorded by Luther Vandross and Jose Feliciano, … — Read More —
Robert Corsini serves as the Director, Producer, and Editor for Peace Sunday 2020. Robert is also the owner of Videocratic Media Inc. and has 30 years of experience producing and directing documentary content for features, specials, and a wide range of entertainment projects. Beginning in the 90s, Corsini worked his way up in the news entertainment production world as a PA on a travel show and later as an Associate Producer on multiple seasons of the ‘Infinite Voyage’ science documentary series for WQED (National PBS). Later, following a two-year stint for NBC News ‘I Witness Video’ as a Field Producer – he began his independent documentary work Co-Producing and directing the feature ‘Straight from the Streets’, a years-long project on the West Coast Rap scene following the tumult of the Rodney King civil unrest (released in 2000.) Since his auspicious beginnings, … — Read More —
Peace Sundays
No Peace Sundays Broadcast on 3/14. Please click on the flyer below to register for
The Four Cornerstones, framed in a Passover Seder
PRESENTED BY: Spiritual and Religious Alliance for Hope (SARAH)
No Peace Sundays Broadcast on 3/7. Please click on the flyer below to register & attend the:
GLOBAL SISTERHOOD: Medicine of the Feminine
Virtual Retreat and Transformational Summit
Save Our Planet! Denuclearization!
Call To Action
Principal Chief Rawsheed Stone Coyote Patton is Principal Chief of the Chata Choctow Muscogee Yamassee of the Ancient Muspa people of Seven confederation nations. He learned of his roots from his grandparents in Oklahoma and started building our nation in 2008. His given names are STONE COYOTE and Heart of the People, from Dakota Grandmothers. Rawsheed is also a member of the MorningStar Foundation. With more than 19 years of experience as a raw foods alchemist, Rawsheed uses his knowledge of health and nutrition to share lifestyle-changing foods with the millions of people who are looking for ways to improve the quality of their health through improved dietary habits. He is also the original creator of Sun Power products and Sun Power Cafe in Los Angeles, California.

Nina Babiarz is a Board Member of She began her career with McGraw-Hill reporting regional and national engineering and construction news, including many large transportation and infrastructure projects. Covering agency officials and private industry leaders, she acted as a liaison for information that flowed between public agencies and design consultants. While at McGraw-Hill, she further enhanced her Education studies and successfully earned a BA in Communications while completing a studio internship with Warner Cable. Her communications career developed a technology focus as Nina, working as an Assistant Marketing Director for Bertagni Electronic Sound Transducers, scripted and coordinated the production team … — Read More —

LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is the Executive Producer & Director of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” LauraSa served as the Chair and Producer for Peace Sunday 2020, and Co-Chair for past Peace Sunday events. She is also the Chair on the Board of Directors, President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Unity and Diversity World Council (UDWC 2.0.) She is the Founder & CEO for two of UDWC’s Affiliate DBA’s known as One Global Family Foundation & Alliances (OGFF&A), and the international Councils of Interfaith & Indigenous Women-Youth (CIIWY). She is a Committee Advisor for the Unity and Diversity Interfaith Ministry (UDIM). BIOGRAPHY: LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is a Pacific American businesswoman, philanthropist, global peace activist, community organizer, producer, and motivational speaker. She was born in the village of Pava’ia’i, Pacific Island of Tutuila, American Samoa … — Read More —
Patrick Horn is a Co-Producer for the 4th Sundays of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” He is also an Advisory Board Member for One Global Family Foundation & Alliances and serves on the Committee for Environmental Stewardship of Unity and Diversity World Council. Patrick is an alumni fellow of the USC Institute for Digital Civic Culture and Manager of the World-Teacher Project (aka “Network for Religion, Media, and Civic Life”), an educational and diplomatic mission allied with a vast coalition working through the Internet with maximum creativity and flexibility for environmental stewardship, justice, and peace. He was elected by nomination to the Religion Communicators Council Board of Governors and serves as Chapter President of the RCC Pacific Coast Interfaith Communicators. … — Read More —
Clan Mother Alda Glover is a Producer of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” She is also a Board Member for both One Global Family Foundation & Alliances, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council. Born in Newton MA, USA, Alda C. Glover’s ancestry is African of nations unknown, and Passamaquoddy and Mashpee in the northeast of North America. After a 16-year career as a technical writer, Alda left the corporate world to study traditional Asian healing arts and experienced Qi as a physical awareness rather than just a concept. As the healing arts and philosophies began unfolding, Alda was introduced to Native American traditions and the profound experiences born of participating in ancient ceremonies. Awareness of purpose evolved, and the interconnection of all things became clear: We are all meant to attune and harmonize with creation as individuals, each with our own purpose. Becoming a Shiatsu-Anma therapist and instructor was a way to introduce others to these experiences. To help others achieve physical, energetic, and emotional balance … — Read More —
Call to Action
Chief Daniel Ramos is a Producer of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” He is also a Board Member for both One Global Family Foundation & Alliances, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council. Marcario Daniel ‘Cuauhltli Atoatzin’ (Eagle that Speaks) Ramos, is the Chief Spiritual Elder of the Choctaw Muskogee Yamassee Nation. He is Grandfather Uncle of the prophecy of “Warriors of the Rainbow” Tribe of the 4 Directions and 4 Sacred Elements of Life. Ramos was born and raised in foster care in East Los Angeles, and later adopted by the same beautiful family he was placed with. He attended public schools and received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from U.C.L.A. in 1975. Ramos is a Social Worker by trade with over 40 years of experience in various fields and served almost 20 of those years as a public servant with Los Angeles County Department of Probation, Department of Children and Family Services, and the State of California Department of Corrections, Parole Division, respectively as Deputy Probation Officer, Children’s Social Worker and Supervisor … — Read More —
Call to Action
Black Lives Matter in a Time of Intolerance
Rev. Louis Chase is currently serving as Interim Minister of Community Outreach at Holman United Methodist Church in Los Angeles. He is a long time board member of Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace (ICUJP() and past Chair. Rev. Chase is a native of Barbados, Caribbean, who was educated in England. He has worked with nonviolent advocacy movements for social change and for a just, peaceful, and ecological civilization. Formerly Vice-Chair of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, LA. Louis is a Board member of Agenda for a Prophetic Faith; Chairman of the Ebony Prophets, Cal-Pac Conference of the United Methodist Church; and a member of the Claremont Institute for Process Studies.
Rev. Carolyn Wilkins is the Minister and Spiritual Director of Inspirational Ministries, a virtual New Thought Spiritual community, and founder of Imagine Consulting, a personal development consulting company. Rev. Carolyn spent 10 years as a staff minister for Agape International Spiritual Center, under Rev. Dr. Michael B. Beckwith, and as the director of their GlobalWorks Ministry. She is a featured speaker and workshop leader on nonviolence, inclusivity, social justice, and ethical and spiritual leadership, and a convener of community dialogues. … — Read More —
Tanesha Hudson Filmmaker Tanesha Hudson is a community activist, organizer, and educational consultant from Charlottesville who works to center the voices of marginalized communities in historical narratives. Tanesha is featured in the Emmy award-winning documentary Charlottesville and has been interviewed by CBS, MSNBC, HBO Vice, and other national and international news outlets. In 2018 she was a member of both the Charlottesville delegation to Ghana and the Charlottesville Civil Rights Pilgrimage. Tanesha is launching a new project/movement to expand African American History in the education system. She has been a part of the fight for justice and equality in the city of Charlottesville for a very long time.
Stephen Rohde, Esq. is a retired constitutional lawyer, lecturer, writer, and political activist. He is immediate past chair of the ACLU Foundation of Southern California and immediate past National Chair of Bend the Arc, a Jewish Partnership for Justice. Mr. Rohde received his BA degree in Political Science from Northwestern University and his JD degree from Columbia Law School. For almost 50 years, he practiced civil litigation, appellate, intellectual property, and civil rights law. He is a founder and current chair of Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace; and a Vice President of Death Penalty Focus. Mr. Rohde is the author of American Words of Freedom and … — Read More —
Sharon Kyle & Dick Pricewith Dick is a long-time publisher, Vietnam Veteran, and anti-war activist. Sharon, who holds a Juris Doctor, is a professor of law but spent more than 20 yrs working for NASA before shifting gears and pursuing her passion for social justice. In 2008, Dick and Sharon launched the LA Progressive, intentionally bringing their mission to provide a platform for progressive thought, opinion, and perspectives on current events, and cover the gamut of progressive issues both on the domestic as well as international stages with a particular focus on local issues in Los Angeles. They edit and publish the LA Progressive, which openly supports and employs advocacy journalism, and is a member of The Media Consortium, an international network of over 70 leading independent progressive journalism organizations, and founded and host The Left Coast Forum — an annual convening … — Read More —
Dr. Melina Abdullah is an American academic and civic leader. She is chair of the Department of Pan-African Studies at California State University, Los Angeles, and a co-founder of the Los Angeles chapter of Black Lives Matter. Abdullah was born in East Oakland, Oakland, California, where her father was a union organizer and self-proclaimed Trotskyist. Her paternal grandfather was a Marxist economist and German communist who opposed the Nazi regime. Abdullah graduated from Howard University with a BA in African American Studies. She subsequently earned a MA and Ph.D. in political science from the University of Southern California. Abdullah is a self-described “womanist scholar-activist”. She has said that her academic roles are connected with her activist role in fighting for liberating those who have been exploited many times. She serves on several boards, … — Read More —
Dr. Reverend James Lawson has been a Methodist minister for more than 50 years, an American activist, and a university professor. While in college, he was convicted of Korean War draft evasion, and sentenced to two years in prison. After serving 13 months of his sentence, he returned to college and finished his degree. Lawson joined the Congress of Racial Equality and Fellowship of Reconciliation, America’s oldest pacifist organization, where he was first exposed to the nonviolent teachings of Gandhi. After three years as a campus minister and teacher in India, he returned to the U.S., entered Oberlin College Graduate School of Theology, and met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Lawson moved to Nashville and began teaching nonviolent protest techniques at Vanderbilt University. … — Read More —
Rabbi Sharon Brous is an American rabbi, who was ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary in 2001 and received a master’s degree in human rights from Columbia University. Before moving to Los Angeles, she served as a Rabbinic Fellow at Congregation B’nai Jeshurun in New York City. She was one of the co-founders of IKAR (Hebrew for “essence”), a Jewish congregation in Los Angeles, and currently serves as their senior rabbi. IKAR has been named one of the nation’s 50 most innovative Jewish nonprofits by the Slingshot Fund Guide, a resource guide for Jewish innovation. In 2013, she blessed President Obama and Vice President Biden at the Inaugural National Prayer Service, and LA Mayor Eric Garcetti at his inauguration in 2017. She sits on the faculty of the Hartman Institute-North America, Wexner Foundation’s Wexner Heritage; and REBOOT, and is a Senior Fellow … — Read More —
Professor Brian Levin, J.D. Prejudice, violence, and tribalism have always been with us. But the work of Brian Levin, director of the nonpartisan Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism (CSHE) and a professor of criminal justice at Cal State San Bernardino, has done incalculable good in fighting these destructive forces through the power of ideas. His decades of scholarship in collecting and analyzing data about these heinous acts have been a first, essential step to understanding the behavior and those who perpetrate it—and to stopping them. To call Professor Levin’s background diverse would be an understatement: In the 1980s, he was an award-winning New York City police officer working in Harlem and Washington Heights in Manhattan. … — Read More —
Clan Mother Alda Glover is a Producer of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” She is also a Board Member for both One Global Family Foundation & Alliances, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council. Born in Newton MA, USA, Alda C. Glover’s ancestry is African of nations unknown, and Passamaquoddy and Mashpee in the northeast of North America. After a 16-year career as a technical writer, Alda left the corporate world to study traditional Asian healing arts and experienced Qi as a physical awareness rather than just a concept. As the healing arts and philosophies began unfolding, Alda was introduced to Native American traditions and the profound experiences born of participating in ancient ceremonies. Awareness of purpose evolved, and the interconnection of all things became clear: We are all meant to attune and harmonize with creation as individuals, each with our own purpose. Becoming a Shiatsu-Anma therapist and instructor was a way to introduce others to these experiences. To help others achieve physical, energetic, and emotional balance … — Read More —
Chief Daniel Ramos is a Producer of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” He is also a Board Member for both One Global Family Foundation & Alliances, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council. Marcario Daniel ‘Cuauhltli Atoatzin’ (Eagle that Speaks) Ramos, is the Chief Spiritual Elder of the Choctaw Muskogee Yamassee Nation. He is Grandfather Uncle of the prophecy of “Warriors of the Rainbow” Tribe of the 4 Directions and 4 Sacred Elements of Life. Ramos was born and raised in foster care in East Los Angeles, and later adopted by the same beautiful family he was placed with. He attended public schools and received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from U.C.L.A. in 1975. Ramos is a Social Worker by trade with over 40 years of experience in various fields and served almost 20 of those years as a public servant with Los Angeles County Department of Probation, Department of Children and Family Services, and the State of California Department of Corrections, Parole Division, respectively as Deputy Probation Officer, Children’s Social Worker and Supervisor … — Read More —
Robert Corsini serves as the Director, Producer, and Editor for Peace Sunday 2020. Robert is also the owner of Videocratic Media Inc. and has 30 years of experience producing and directing documentary content for features, specials, and a wide range of entertainment projects. Beginning in the 90s, Corsini worked his way up in the news entertainment production world as a PA on a travel show and later as an Associate Producer on multiple seasons of the ‘Infinite Voyage’ science documentary series for WQED (National PBS). Later, following a two-year stint for NBC News ‘I Witness Video’ as a Field Producer – he began his independent documentary work Co-Producing and directing the feature ‘Straight from the Streets’, a years-long project on the West Coast Rap scene following the tumult of the Rodney King civil unrest (released in 2000.) Since his auspicious beginnings, … — Read More —
LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is the Executive Producer & Director of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” LauraSa served as the Chair and Producer for Peace Sunday 2020, and Co-Chair for past Peace Sunday events. She is also the Chair on the Board of Directors, President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Unity and Diversity World Council (UDWC 2.0.) She is the Founder & CEO for two of UDWC’s Affiliate DBA’s known as One Global Family Foundation & Alliances (OGFF&A), and the international Councils of Interfaith & Indigenous Women-Youth (CIIWY). She is a Committee Advisor for the Unity and Diversity Interfaith Ministry (UDIM). BIOGRAPHY: LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is a Pacific American businesswoman, philanthropist, global peace activist, community organizer, producer, and motivational speaker. She was born in the village of Pava’ia’i, Pacific Island of Tutuila, American Samoa … — Read More —
Rev. Stephen Longfellow Fiske serves as the Co-Chair and Executive Producer for Peace Sunday 2020. Stephen is the founder and executive director/producer of The Jerusalem Prayer Project (JPP), and the owner of Stephen L. Fiske Music. He is also a musician, author, poet, Interfaith Minister, long-time peace and environmental activist, and past executive director of the Unity and Diversity World Council. He is a multi-talented individual whose dedication to peace, humanitarian, environmental and spiritual concerns has always found expression through his artistic pursuits. Since his first album release, Seeds of Peace, in 1980, through his current CD (11th) Flow, Stephen has established himself as an inspired performer and veteran poet/spokesman of the times. He has authored “The Art of Peace” (New Paradigm Books) and “The Call to Interfaith”, and has performed and spoken widely across the US and abroad. Stephen has won numerous awards including The International Peace Music Award in 1994 and has had his songs recorded by Luther Vandross and Jose Feliciano, … — Read More —
Call To Action
Creating Peace, Love, & Justice Through the Arts
Onochie Churwurah & his son, Emeka
Onochie Chukwurah is the founder & owner of Rhythms Of The Village. His store is located in Altadena, CA. Rhythms Of The Village is a cultural center and shop. Many of the products are handmade and authentic African goods. Whether it is music, dance, storytelling, or art, Onochie Chukwurah brings his own perspective to culture and his dynamic enthusiasm to his students. Coming to the United States from his native Nigeria in 1969 with a touring musical troupe, Onochie has since become a prominent figure in Southern California’s arts community. … — Read More —
Onochie’s son, Emeka, has been taking the reins of the family business. He grew up watching and learning from his parents, developing his own talents in many ways. Whether sewing African textiles, drumming, hosting workshops, drum circles, cultural festivals, or community events, Emeka is carrying on the family legacy.
Tiffany Wilson Soul singer extraordinaire Tiffany Wilson has endeared herself to audiences across the World with magnetic live performances and unflinching honesty. Drawing from a well of inspiration that reflects inner and outer change, politics, and the vision of a brighter future, Ms. Wilson’s soaring melodies and infectious hooks serve as the sugar for the medicine (and the lesson) to go down. Tiffany Wilson has received consistent radio airplay, KEXP being one of her biggest supporters, and has made appearances on television programs such as “Art Zone with Nancy Guppy”. With two full-length albums and a host of collaborations forthcoming, Tiffany Wilson has continued to fuel the fire of hers and her audience’s inspiration. … — Read More —
Larae Cantley is a Social Justice Activist/Consultant and Co-Founder of Lived Experience Life Consulting Co-Op and Housing Justice-LA Podcast. Leading steering committees and advisory boards while serving as a Board member of St. Joseph Center to center subject matter experts’ voice in designing social services. As a renowned Justice Advocate utilizing the strategy of leveraging artistic expression to lead in experiential learning for transformative thinking by surfacing and challenging conscious and unconscious assumptions and beliefs for the sake of a harmonious future where everyone lives quality lives.
Pauline Haynes is a Life Coach with the uncanny ability to help you identify what truly inspires you and helps you focus your life around those things that bring you joy, peace, and satisfaction. Clients who are attracted to her are ready to intentionally move from self-limiting beliefs, behaviors, and decisions to create the shift necessary for their magnificent unfoldment. She also delights in the officiating of sacred marriage ceremonies. She is a volunteer with Safe Black Space, Compassionate Sacramento, and International Women Resource Network (based n Trinidad and Tobago). A curator and promoter of visual and performance art events. The words that sum up Pauline’s philosophy of life is Shift Happens! Do or do not. There is no try! … — Read More —
Kira Carrillo Corser is Co-Founder of Compassionate ARTS/ Posts for Peace and Justice with Felecia “Fe Love” Lenee and also co-founded the Posts for Peace and Justice Project with Lisa Parsons in Atlanta, Her award-winning work has been on national broadcasts with President Clinton and President Carter, in the Smithsonian, the National Steinbeck Center, the National Center for Civil and Human Rights and at the Carter Center with 100 International Human Rights Defenders.
Felecia “Fe Love” Lenee Co-founder of Compassionate ARTS in Action and our BLM mural project manager. She works as the Youth Program Director and Creative Strategist for the national project, Posts for Peace and Justice. “Fe Love” is a strong advocate for social and environmental justice, especially as it relates to frontline and BIPOC communities. #WhenBlackandBrownGoGreen is a campaign she launched to encourage more BIPOC to become leaders in the climate and environmental justice movement. Fe Love has been facilitating “Compassionate Conversations” in the community with law enforcement (Compassionate Cops) in support of Black Lives throughout Pasadena, on national platforms and even internationally, such examples include The World Summit on Countering Violence and Extremism in India and at the Parliament of the World’s Religions, Her goals are to support youth, with a focus on health, public safety, social-environmental justice. She has also been in 16 films, has over 25 years of performing live on stage as a host and entertainer, and in several podcasts promoting racial, gender equality, … –Read More–
Joan Marie is a Co-Producer for 2nd Sundays of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcasts ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution”, she’s also an Advisory Board Member for One Global Family Foundation & Alliances. Joan is an Artist, Conscious Touch Educator, and owner of Compassion Central, An Educational Sanctuary for Peace in Carmichael, CA. She is the co-founder of Compassionate Capital Region, an Ambassador of Compassionate Sacramento, Compassionate Women and Girls, and also on the Compassionate Arts Council. Honoring 2020 as Julia Ward Howe’s 150th Anniversary of her Mother’s Day Proclamation and using it as a template of action, Joan has created the first General Congress of Women in the capital of California, Sacramento. Guided to use the principles of Sacred Geometry to organize, she is one of 13 women in this Congress coordinating a 3-month exhibition, August through October at the Crocker Art Museum in S… — Read More —
LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is the Executive Producer & Director of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” LauraSa served as the Chair and Producer for Peace Sunday 2020, and Co-Chair for past Peace Sunday events. She is also the Chair on the Board of Directors, President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Unity and Diversity World Council (UDWC 2.0.) She is the Founder & CEO for two of UDWC’s Affiliate DBA’s known as One Global Family Foundation & Alliances (OGFF&A), and the international Councils of Interfaith & Indigenous Women-Youth (CIIWY). She is a Committee Advisor for the Unity and Diversity Interfaith Ministry (UDIM). BIOGRAPHY: LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is a Pacific American businesswoman, philanthropist, global peace activist, community organizer, producer, and motivational speaker. She was born in the village of Pava’ia’i, Pacific Island of Tutuila, American Samoa … — Read More —
Audrey E. Kitagawa, JD is the President/Founder of the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation, President of the Light of Awareness International Spiritual Family, and the former Advisor to the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict at the United Nations. She is a United Nations Representative for the United Religions Initiative and is Chair Emerita of the NGO Committee of Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns, NY. She has been enstooled into the royal family as the Nekoso Hemaa, (i.e.Queen Mother of Development), of Ajiyamanti in Ghana, West Africa, and has a school which she helped to build named after her in her African name, the Nana Ode Anyankobea Junior Secondary School. — Read More —
Ben Bowler who is from Melbourne Australia. He is the Executive Director of Unity Earth a global network that supports and empowers many grassroots movements that work towards unity and peace in the world. He is a Catholic Urantia Book Reader and unity activist.
Professor Dr. Azza Karam who is the Secretary General of Religions for Peace. She is a Professor of Religion and Development at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. She has published widely, and in several languages, on international political dynamics, including democratization, human rights, peace and security, gender, religious engagement, and sustainable development. She was born in Egypt and now lives in the United States.
Professor Mutombo Nkulu N’Sengha is a professor of religious studies at the University of California, Northridge, and is the Founder/Director of the Bumuntu Peace Institute, whose vision is to bring lasting peace to a war-torn Democratic Republic of the Congo through education, dialogue, and sustainable development. Professor is an African Prince, as his father was a head chief of the Masengo territory in the sacred Luba empire (comprised of approximately 10 million people). Professor speaks fluently 11 languages, 4 of which are African languages. He has published extensively in English, French and Italian.
Imam Sayed Al Abbas Razawi Chief Imam, and Secretary General of the Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society. Imam Razawi is a British scholar and religious leader with a research interest in Islamic philosophy, mysticism, and comparative religion. In particular, he focuses upon the concept of “love” theoretically and applies his insights as a practitioner of theology to expound upon the values and thought-system of Shi’ism and Islam on one hand and to undertake interfaith dialogue and peacebuilding through civil society engagement on the other. Fluent in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu, Imam Razawi is also an Associate at the Project on Shi’ism and Global Affairs at Harvard University’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs.
Rabbi Roger Ross is the Chair and CFO of New Vision Interspiritual Seminary, who has cultivated interfaith work for many years. At the United Nations, Rabbi Ross is a co-Chair of the Executive Council of the Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns at the United Nations, NY. He is also a UN representative for the United Religions Initiatives and a bureau member of the Committee of Religious NGOs at the UN-NY.
Sadviji Bhagawati Saraswati obtained her doctoral degree in neuropsychology at Stanford University. She is the Secretary General of the Global Wash Alliance, President of Divine Shakti Foundation, and Director of the International Yoga Festival. Originally from California, she has lived on the banks of the sacred Ganga River in the lap of the Himalayas for nearly 25 years where she has engaged in spiritual service, wisdom teaching, and sacred action. She was the Managing Editor for the 11 volume Encyclopedia of Hinduism.
Monica Willard is a charter member of the United Religions Initiative (URI) and serves as their Main URI Representative to the United Nations. She currently serves as Co-Chair of the International Day of Peace NGO Committee at the UN. Monica helped establish World Interfaith Harmony Week annual observances at the UN and around the world. She is the recipient of the Spirit of the UN Award, and a leader in many initiatives at the UN.
Dr. Sakena Yacoobi was born in Herat, Afghanistan, and is the founder and Executive Director of the Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL), an Afghan women-led NGO she founded in 1995. She is well known for her work for the rights of children, women, and education. She started to educate the girl child underground when educating girl children was prohibited during the reign of the Taliban. She also built a hospital and launched a radio station in Afghanistan. She has earned international recognition for her work and received numerous awards which include the 2013 Opus Prize, 2015 WISE Prize in Education, and 2016 Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education and six honorary degrees, including an honorary doctoral degree from Princeton University.
World Interfaith Harmony Week:
“Faith Action for Sustainable Development
and the One Trillion Trees Initiative”
Father James Channan, O.P., is a Pakistani Christian and a Catholic priest. He is the Director of the Peace Center Lahore of the Dominican Order in Pakistan, and Regional Coordinator of the United Religions Initiative (URI) Pakistan. He was appointed by Pope John Paul II to work with the Vatican’s Commission for Religious Relations with Muslims for 5 years, and as Consultant to the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue for 10 years. Father Channan attended the Pontifical Institute for Islamic Studies and Arabic language in Rome from 1982-85 and obtained a Licentiate Degree. He also received a Masters Degree in Counseling from Emmanuel College, Boston, USA, received graduate credits from Harvard University, USA, and a course on Peace Building from the American University, Washington, DC, USA. — Read More —
Mr. Deepak Kumar is the Founder and Chair of Smiles4Millions Foundation, a United Religions Initiative (URI) cooperation circle, and the Media Coordinator for URI-East India. He will be discussing his work with Peace4Dalits (untouchable class) in India and Nepal and the One Student-One Tree Campaign. Deepak will share stories of how “untouchable” orphans from the slums of India and Nepal are empowered through education for Environmental Stewardship. Deepak Kumar is a motivational speaker, international journalist, social activist, environmentalist, URI CC Coordinator, UNCCD volunteer, NCC Cadet, former NSS Team Leader, former Indian Youth Ambassador, and International Social Media Awardee. — Read More —
LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is the Executive Producer & Director of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” LauraSa served as the Chair and Producer for Peace Sunday 2020, and Co-Chair for past Peace Sunday events. She is also the Chair on the Board of Directors, President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Unity and Diversity World Council (UDWC 2.0.) She is the Founder & CEO for two of UDWC’s Affiliate DBA’s known as One Global Family Foundation & Alliances (OGFF&A), and the international Councils of Interfaith & Indigenous Women-Youth (CIIWY). She is a Committee Advisor for the Unity and Diversity Interfaith Ministry (UDIM). BIOGRAPHY: LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is a Pacific American businesswoman, philanthropist, global peace activist, community organizer, producer, and motivational speaker. She was born in the village of Pava’ia’i, Pacific Island of Tutuila, American Samoa … — Read More —
Patrick Horn is a Co-Producer for 4th Sundays of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcasts ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution”. He is also an Advisory Board Member for One Global Family Foundation & Alliances and serves on the Committee for Environmental Stewardship of Unity and Diversity World Council. Patrick is an alumni fellow of the USC Institute for Digital Civic Culture and Manager of the World-Teacher Project (aka “Network for Religion, Media, and Civic Life”), an educational and diplomatic mission allied with a vast coalition working through the Internet with maximum creativity and flexibility for environmental stewardship, justice, and peace. He was elected by nomination to the Religion Communicators Council Board of Governors and serves as Chapter President of the RCC Pacific Coast Interfaith Communicators. … — Read More —
Clan Mother Alda Glover is a Producer of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” She is also a Board Member for both One Global Family Foundation & Alliances, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council. Born in Newton MA, USA, Alda C. Glover’s ancestry is African of nations unknown, and Passamaquoddy and Mashpee in the northeast of North America. After a 16-year career as a technical writer, Alda left the corporate world to study traditional Asian healing arts and experienced Qi as a physical awareness rather than just a concept. As the healing arts and philosophies began unfolding, Alda was introduced to Native American traditions and the profound experiences born of participating in ancient ceremonies. Awareness of purpose evolved, and the interconnection of all things became clear: We are all meant to attune and harmonize with creation as individuals, each with our own purpose. Becoming a Shiatsu-Anma therapist and instructor was a way to introduce others to these experiences. To help others achieve physical, energetic, and emotional balance … — Read More —
Chief Daniel Ramos is a Producer of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” He is also a Board Member for both One Global Family Foundation & Alliances, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council. Marcario Daniel ‘Cuauhltli Atoatzin’ (Eagle that Speaks) Ramos, is the Chief Spiritual Elder of the Choctaw Muskogee Yamassee Nation. He is Grandfather Uncle of the prophecy of “Warriors of the Rainbow” Tribe of the 4 Directions and 4 Sacred Elements of Life. Ramos was born and raised in foster care in East Los Angeles, and later adopted by the same beautiful family he was placed with. He attended public schools and received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from U.C.L.A. in 1975. Ramos is a Social Worker by trade with over 40 years of experience in various fields and served almost 20 of those years as a public servant with Los Angeles County Department of Probation, Department of Children and Family Services, and the State of California Department of Corrections, Parole Division, respectively as Deputy Probation Officer, Children’s Social Worker and Supervisor … — Read More —
.Environmental Stewardship:
“When Prophecies Come True – Part 1”
Chief Arvol Looking Horse & Paula Looking Horse Chief Arvol Looking Horse is an Honorary World Council member for Unity and Diversity World Council and One Global Family. He was born on the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota. At the age of 12, he was given the responsibility of becoming the 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle, the youngest ever. He is widely recognized as a chief and the spiritual leader of all three branches of the Sioux Nation. He is the author of White Buffalo Teachings and a guest columnist for Indian Country Today. A tireless advocate of maintaining traditional spiritual practices, Chief Looking Horse is the founder of Big Foot Riders which memorializes the massacre of Big Foot’s band at Wounded Knee. Chief Arvol Looking Horse and Paula Looking Horse are the Founders of World Peace and Prayer Day, June 21st. Chief Looking Horse’s prayers have opened numerous sessions of the United Nations and his many awards … — Read More —
Dr. Charles McNeill is the Senior Adviser of Forests and Climate for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Dr. McNeill holds a Ph.D. in Genetics, with a focus on conservation biology, University of California, Davis. He has held several academic posts addressing a range of environmental and development issues and has worked with the non-governmental sector on hunger eradication and sustainable development programs in South Asia and Africa. In the context of the UN Secretary-General’s ‘Climate Summit’ on 23 September 2014, Dr. McNeill was responsible for organizing the Forest action area, one of the main elements of the Summit, by coordinating a global multilateral team of countries, companies, and civil society organizations to contribute major announcements for the Summit on reducing deforestation and increasing restoration. In 2007, he co-founded UN-REDD Programme. … — Read More —
Clan Mother Alda Glover is a Producer of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” She is also a Board Member for both One Global Family Foundation & Alliances, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council. Born in Newton MA, USA, Alda C. Glover’s ancestry is African of nations unknown, and Passamaquoddy and Mashpee in the northeast of North America. After a 16-year career as a technical writer, Alda left the corporate world to study traditional Asian healing arts and experienced Qi as a physical awareness rather than just a concept. As the healing arts and philosophies began unfolding, Alda was introduced to Native American traditions and the profound experiences born of participating in ancient ceremonies. Awareness of purpose evolved, and the interconnection of all things became clear: We are all meant to attune and harmonize with creation as individuals, each with our own purpose. Becoming a Shiatsu-Anma therapist and instructor was a way to introduce others to these experiences. To help others achieve physical, energetic, and emotional balance … — Read More —
Chief Daniel Ramos is a Producer of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” He is also a Board Member for both One Global Family Foundation & Alliances, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council. Marcario Daniel ‘Cuauhltli Atoatzin’ (Eagle that Speaks) Ramos, is the Chief Spiritual Elder of the Choctaw Muskogee Yamassee Nation. He is Grandfather Uncle of the prophecy of “Warriors of the Rainbow” Tribe of the 4 Directions and 4 Sacred Elements of Life. Ramos was born and raised in foster care in East Los Angeles, and later adopted by the same beautiful family he was placed with. He attended public schools and received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from U.C.L.A. in 1975. Ramos is a Social Worker by trade with over 40 years of experience in various fields and served almost 20 of those years as a public servant with Los Angeles County Department of Probation, Department of Children and Family Services, and the State of California Department of Corrections, Parole Division, respectively as Deputy Probation Officer, Children’s Social Worker and Supervisor … — Read More —
LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is the Executive Producer & Director of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” LauraSa served as the Chair and Producer for Peace Sunday 2020, and Co-Chair for past Peace Sunday events. She is also the Chair on the Board of Directors, President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Unity and Diversity World Council (UDWC 2.0.) She is the Founder & CEO for two of UDWC’s Affiliate DBA’s known as One Global Family Foundation & Alliances (OGFF&A), and the international Councils of Interfaith & Indigenous Women-Youth (CIIWY). She is a Committee Advisor for the Unity and Diversity Interfaith Ministry (UDIM). BIOGRAPHY: LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is a Pacific American businesswoman, philanthropist, global peace activist, community organizer, producer, and motivational speaker. She was born in the village of Pava’ia’i, Pacific Island of Tutuila, American Samoa … — Read More —
Patrick Horn is a Co-Producer for 4th Sundays of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcasts ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution”. He is also an Advisory Board Member for One Global Family Foundation & Alliances and serves on the Committee for Environmental Stewardship of Unity and Diversity World Council. Patrick is an alumni fellow of the USC Institute for Digital Civic Culture and Manager of the World-Teacher Project (aka “Network for Religion, Media, and Civic Life”), an educational and diplomatic mission allied with a vast coalition working through the Internet with maximum creativity and flexibility for environmental stewardship, justice, and peace. He was elected by nomination to the Religion Communicators Council Board of Governors and serves as Chapter President of the RCC Pacific Coast Interfaith Communicators. … — Read More —
“We Carry The Dream: Charlottesville Reflection”
Chief Daniel Ramos is a Producer of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” He is also a Board Member for both One Global Family Foundation & Alliances, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council. Marcario Daniel ‘Cuauhltli Atoatzin’ (Eagle that Speaks) Ramos, is the Chief Spiritual Elder of the Choctaw Muskogee Yamassee Nation. He is Grandfather Uncle of the prophecy of “Warriors of the Rainbow” Tribe of the 4 Directions and 4 Sacred Elements of Life. Ramos was born and raised in foster care in East Los Angeles, and later adopted by the same beautiful family he was placed with. He attended public schools and received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from U.C.L.A. in 1975. Ramos is a Social Worker by trade with over 40 years of experience in various fields and served almost 20 of those years as a public servant with Los Angeles County Department of Probation, Department of Children and Family Services, and the State of California Department of Corrections, Parole Division, respectively as Deputy Probation Officer, Children’s Social Worker and Supervisor … — Read More —
Clan Mother Alda Glover is a Producer of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” She is also a Board Member for both One Global Family Foundation & Alliances, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council. Born in Newton MA, USA, Alda C. Glover’s ancestry is African of nations unknown, and Passamaquoddy and Mashpee in the northeast of North America. After a 16-year career as a technical writer, Alda left the corporate world to study traditional Asian healing arts and experienced Qi as a physical awareness rather than just a concept. As the healing arts and philosophies began unfolding, Alda was introduced to Native American traditions and the profound experiences born of participating in ancient ceremonies. Awareness of purpose evolved, and the interconnection of all things became clear: We are all meant to attune and harmonize with creation as individuals, each with our own purpose. Becoming a Shiatsu-Anma therapist and instructor was a way to introduce others to these experiences. To help others achieve physical, energetic, and emotional balance … — Read More —
LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is the Executive Producer & Director of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcast Series ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.” LauraSa served as the Chair and Producer for Peace Sunday 2020, and Co-Chair for past Peace Sunday events. She is also the Chair on the Board of Directors, President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Unity and Diversity World Council (UDWC 2.0.) She is the Founder & CEO for two of UDWC’s Affiliate DBA’s known as One Global Family Foundation & Alliances (OGFF&A), and the international Councils of Interfaith & Indigenous Women-Youth (CIIWY). She is a Committee Advisor for the Unity and Diversity Interfaith Ministry (UDIM). BIOGRAPHY: LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava is a Pacific American businesswoman, philanthropist, global peace activist, community organizer, producer, and motivational speaker. She was born in the village of Pava’ia’i, Pacific Island of Tutuila, American Samoa … — Read More —
Robert Corsini serves as the Director, Producer, and Editor for Peace Sunday 2020. Robert is also the owner of Videocratic Media Inc. and has 30 years of experience producing and directing documentary content for features, specials, and a wide range of entertainment projects. Beginning in the 90s, Corsini worked his way up in the news entertainment production world as a PA on a travel show and later as an Associate Producer on multiple seasons of the ‘Infinite Voyage’ science documentary series for WQED (National PBS). Later, following a two-year stint for NBC News ‘I Witness Video’ as a Field Producer – he began his independent documentary work Co-Producing and directing the feature ‘Straight from the Streets’, a years-long project on the West Coast Rap scene following the tumult of the Rodney King civil unrest (released in 2000.) Since his auspicious beginnings, … — Read More —
Rev. Stephen Longfellow Fiske serves as the Co-Chair and Executive Producer for Peace Sunday 2020. Stephen is the founder and executive director/producer of The Jerusalem Prayer Project (JPP), and the owner of Stephen L. Fiske Music. He is also a musician, author, poet, Interfaith Minister, long-time peace and environmental activist, and past executive director of the Unity and Diversity World Council. He is a multi-talented individual whose dedication to peace, humanitarian, environmental and spiritual concerns has always found expression through his artistic pursuits. Since his first album release, Seeds of Peace, in 1980, through his current CD (11th) Flow, Stephen has established himself as an inspired performer and veteran poet/spokesman of the times. He has authored “The Art of Peace” (New Paradigm Books) and “The Call to Interfaith”, and has performed and spoken widely across the US and abroad. Stephen has won numerous awards including The International Peace Music Award in 1994 and has had his songs recorded by Luther Vandross and Jose Feliciano, … — Read More —
Tanesha Hudson Filmmaker Tanesha Hudson is a community activist, organizer, and educational consultant from Charlottesville who works to center the voices of marginalized communities in historical narratives. Tanesha is featured in the Emmy award-winning documentary Charlottesville and has been interviewed by CBS, MSNBC, HBO Vice, and other national and international news outlets. In 2018 she was a member of both the Charlottesville delegation to Ghana and the Charlottesville Civil Rights Pilgrimage. Tanesha is launching a new project/movement to expand African American History in the education system. She has been a part of the fight for justice and equality in the city of Charlottesville for a very long time.
Megan Argaud Megan is a parent and therapeutic day treatment (TDT) counselor in Greene County, VA, working with at-risk children. TDT is the last option before a student is hospitalized, placed in residential care, or incarcerated. TDT services provide critical mental health care. She is an HFSC member, who helped remove “Lee-Jackson Day” from the Albemarle County Schools calendar.
Dr. Melina Abdullah, PH.D. @docmellymel Melina Abdullah is Professor of Pan-African Studies at California State University, Los Angeles, and immediate past Department Chair. Dr. Abdullah earned her Ph.D. from the University of Southern California in Political Science and her B.A. from Howard University in African American Studies. She is a recognized expert on race, gender, class, and social movements. Abdullah is the author of numerous scholarly articles and book chapters, with subjects ranging from political coalition building to womanist mothering. She has also contributed to popular media outlets, including The North Star, The Root, Los Angeles Times, Truthdig, Los Angeles Sentinel, Los Angeles Progressive, and BK Nation. Professor Abdullah is a womanist scholar-activist, understanding the role that she plays in the academy as intrinsically linked to broader struggles for the liberation of oppressed people. … — Read More —
Ruth Broyde Sharone Creator of THIS IS WHO WE ARE: The Interfaith Musical, a celebration of our cultural and religious diversity, Ruth Broyde Sharone has distinguished herself as an interfaith leader, filmmaker, and journalist for more than three decades. Honored internationally as a champion for cultural and religious education, she is a co-founder of the Southern California Parliament of the World’s Religions (SCCPWR) , and she served as Co-Chair for 10 years. She is the producer/director of the award-winning documentary, GOD AND ALLAH NEED TO TALK and the author of “Minefields & Miracles,” an interfaith memoir that received three literary awards and was endorsed by H.H. the Dalai Lama. — Read More —
“Forgiving The Unforgivable ~ The Path to Peace”
Chief Daniel Ramos Marcario Daniel ‘Cuauhltli Atoatzin’ (Eagle that Speaks) Ramos, is the Chief Spiritual Elder of the Choctaw Muskogee Yamassee Nation. He is Grandfather Uncle of the prophecy of “Warriors of the Rainbow” Tribe of the 4 Directions and 4 Sacred Elements of Life. Ramos was born and raised in foster care in East Los Angeles, and later adopted by the same beautiful family he was placed with. He attended public schools and received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from U.C.L.A. in 1975. Ramos is a Social Worker by trade with over 40 years of experience in various fields and served almost 20 of those years as a public servant with Los Angeles County Department of Probation, Department of Children and Family Services, and the State of California Department of Corrections, Parole Division, respectively as Deputy Probation Officer, Children’s Social Worker and Supervisor … — Read More —
Clan Mother Alda Glover was born in Newton MA, USA, Alda C. Glover’s ancestry is African of nations unknown, and Passamaquoddy and Mashpee in the northeast of North America. After a 16-year career as a technical writer, Alda left the corporate world to study traditional Asian healing arts and experienced Qi as a physical awareness rather than just a concept. As the healing arts and philosophies began unfolding, Alda was introduced to Native American traditions and the profound experiences born of participating in ancient ceremonies. Awareness of purpose evolved, and the interconnection of all things became clear: We are all meant to attune and harmonize with creation as individuals, each with our own purpose. Becoming a Shiatsu-Anma therapist and instructor was a way to introduce others to these experiences. To help others achieve physical, energetic, and emotional balance … — Read More —
Charles Langley states his objective is to “unscrew the inscrutable” through lucid communications on complex regulatory and infrastructure issues. He embraces the conviction that access to clean water and affordable, sustainable energy is a fundamental human right, that when honored, sustains life, nourishes human dignity, and encourages world peace. Since 2015, Charles has served as Executive Director of Public Watchdogs, whose purpose is to independently monitor energy and infrastructure regulatory agencies in California with an initial focus on protecting the public from the California Public Utilities Commission and removing the nuclear waste from San Onofre State Beach. Langley created a concept of public advocacy and consumer awareness that spans a wide range of responsibilities from founding principles to administrative and legal requirements. He handles media relations for pro-bono government reforms and legal efforts for a prominent local law firm, makes presentations on TV and radio, and print on energy regulatory policy, including gasoline prices, nuclear energy, and greenhouse gas emissions. Langley was responsible for writing and editing quarterly newsletters and funding requests for UCAN from 1999 – 2013, as a writer, editor, and publicist. He developed cooperative marketing … — Read More —
Bob Sima and Shannon Plummer They began to travel the country full-time in 2013, spreading their powerful medicine – in the form of music, message, and experiences – to a world that is thirsty for meaning, purpose, and peace. Bob is an award-winning singer-songwriter, spiritual teacher, and musical mystic who has been called “Eckhart Tolle with a guitar”. The music that comes through him will vibrate with your spirit exactly where you are. Shannon is a shamanic practitioner, intentional creation coach, artist, and singer. Shannon is an instrument – an engaged observer to the story of your life. Together they amplify each other’s gifts into a divine combination that will lead the soul to truth and peace. They lead life-changing experiential workshops, music meditations, weekend retreats, and powerful concert experiences. To learn more about them and what they are doing, visit their website at https://
Jason Michael Powers is a Producer for 1st Sundays of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcasts ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution”. He is also an Advisory Board Member for One Global Family Foundation & Alliances. Jason Michael Powers, RScP, Co-Founder of “The Powers of Love”, a devoted Husband and Father, Spiritual Teacher, and a Licensed Healing Practitioner with the Centers for Spiritual Living, a New Thought Community. Trained in the Art of Divine Prayer for the purpose of Healing the Mental Field which is what causes the conditions of our lives that we do not like. An Ordained Minister who is here to Minister Love to an ailing planet. Jason has trained with the Diamond Light Foundation in how to “Walk The Earth As A Living Master”. A Devoted Student of Ancient Wisdom from the Hermetic Philosophy, Gnostic Christianity, Indigenous Shamanic Tradition, Tibetan Buddhism, Ancient Essenian Angelology, The I AM Teachings, and Ancient Sound Healing Practices. … — Read More —
Heather Grace Powers is a Producer for 1st Sundays of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcasts ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution”. She is also an Advisory Board Member for One Global Family Foundation & Alliances. More than anything else, it is my JOY to help others to discover the deepest Love inside and to grow in the awareness of the I AM Presence Living, moving, and having it’s Being through each One Of us. In our work, we help couples and individuals who are ready to release old patterns of relationship and the old ancestral ways of masculine and feminine roles and move into a more balanced way of experiencing partnership in all areas of Life! Regarding Music, I’ve been blessed to record and tour with incredible Artists who are also living their passion…all over the world. Some of my work has been featured in movies, radio, and television for Warner Brothers, Universal and Microsoft, and many others. My husband and I are the Producers and Musical Director for an amazing Musical group called The Phoenix Rising, a dynamic blend of Mantric Sounds Of Tibet and the Soulful sensibility of the West. If there was a passion that drives me as an artist, … — Read More —
Michelle Anderson is a Co-Producer for 1st Sundays of One Global Family’s Call To Action Broadcasts ~ “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution”. She is also an Advisory Board Member for One Global Family Foundation & Alliances. Michelle has been facilitating gatherings for those seeking Spiritual Connection and Conscious Collaboration for over 10 years. She creates unique experiences for people to connect with the dolphins and whales, facilitates group journeys to sacred places, and mentors those on the awakening path to connect with their true eternal essence and grow their Soul. She is an avid supporter of Indigenous communities and regularly supports events that lead people back to nature and peace with each other and Mother Earth. Michelle is a Host on Awakening Code Radio at, Producer of the Star Ancestor Space at, and is a passionate emcee for conferences and festivals that focus on Unity and Love. — Read More —
Michael Paul Brinsley serves as Associate Producer and Webmaster for Michael also serves as Secretary on the Executive Board & Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for Unity and Diversity World Council (UDWC 2.0), and also as such for three of its Affiliate DBA’s known as One Global Family Foundation & Alliances (OGFF&A), Peace Sunday (PS), and the Councils of Interfaith & Indigenous Women-Youth (CIIWY). His other responsibilities for these non-profit organizations also include serving as the Committee Co-Chair for Websites & Social Media. Committee Advisor for Governance, Finance, Strategic Planning, and Peace Sunday. Michael has been optimizing technical systems since his early college days back in 1981. … — Read More —
Peace Sundays 2021 Chair & Executive Producer:
LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava, CEO & Chair of Unity and Diversity World Council (UDWC), One Global Family Foundation & Alliances (OGFF&A), and International Councils & Congress of Women-Youth
Peace Sundays 2021 Co-Chair:
Stephen Longfellow Fiske, Founder & Executive Director of The Jerusalem Prayer Project (JPP), and Stephen Fiske Music
Peace Sundays 2021 Producers & Co-Producers:
Robert Corsini, Patrick Horn, Clan Mother Alda Glover, Chief Daniel Ramos, Heather Grace Powers, Michael Jason Powers, Michelle Anderson, Charles Langley, Joan Marie, Felecia “Fe Love” Lenee, Grandmother Susan Stanton, Quincy Coleman, Aunty Pooki Lee, and Ben Bowler
Peace Sundays 2021 Associate Producers:
Michael Brinsley, Finau Fusi, Adrienne Prince, Barbara Garibay, Delaram Danesh, and Simran Kaur Khalsa